Market and city level nowcasting data


Kania is launching unique nowcasting data sets for real estate markets based on monitoring of physical transport vehicle flows. The data sets are a development from Kania’s asset level and geolocation specific monitoring capabilities. Aggregating transport flows across multiple key transport routes such as around freight handling locations and logistics zones within a market provides live nowcasting of both transport and distribution activity critical to logistics real estate but also nowcasting of general economic activity in a market with significant implications for other real estate sectors such as retail and hospitality.

The key significant advantage points of the data are:

  1. it is the most important indicator of demand dynamics for logistics space in a market, together with volume of freight handled at key freight handling locations within any given market, providing a 1-1.5yr leading indicator of rental growth (see previous notes regarding econometric analysis on the impact of freight volumes and transport activity on logistics rents and geolocation aspects).

  2. it is the most timely data to measure economic activity within any market, typically data is provided with a 2-week lag.

  3. it is consistent across markets and geographies allowing users to form a clear and consistent view of activity as it does not rely on different or changing market definitions or statistical administrative areas definitions.

Values are indexed with transport vehicle flows recorded in 2022 = 100 (average during 2022 calendar year)


Rotterdam current value as of May 31, 2024: 91.5

Paris current value as of May 31, 2024: 97.4

Hamburg current value as of May 31, 2024: 100.8


The data sets are available for top 25 European markets and top 50 US markets (as well as any market on request)

To request information, discuss your requirements or custom data please contact or use the form below.

See previous notes on how monitoring transport flows around UK Amazon distribution centers materialized in early predictions of falling UK retail sales before official data releases and other case studies.


Logistics, valuing sectors in listed markets using ML


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