Access data directly through our API and make your workflow more efficient.

Access data directly through our API and make your workflow more efficient.

Example, kafs data

curl 'https://<PROJECT_REF>.supabase.co/rest/v1/kania-kafs' \
-H "apikey: <ANON_KEY>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ANON_KEY>"

returns kafs data (aggregate factor score) for global real estate securities. The score evaluates stocks based on economic growth dynamics at a conservative risk profile and is calculated at the end of day for all securities in the reference universe. kafs data allows users to

  • analyse and compare real estate securities in a consistent, systematic way across global markets based on factors that drive real estate and real estate securities, not general equity market factors

  • monitor migration of stocks by identifying positive or negative kafs changes

  • improve timing of trading

  • complement inhouse and fundamental analysis with uncorrelated proven information that kafs provides

  • construct customised baskets and exposures by defining constraints such as geographies, sectors or any specific constraints.

Kania Global Real Estate CAI Index, an alternative-beta index is based on kafs data with semi-annual rebalancing. see here Consistency, consistency, consistency in REITs alpha generation — Kania (kaniaadvisors.com), Get your Fact(or)s right, how investors can boost alpha in their REITs allocations — Kania (kaniaadvisors.com), Persistence of real estate factors in equity markets — Kania (kaniaadvisors.com)

All data sets delivered through API