Are your real estate portfolios growing where cities are growing?


The use of alternative data including satellite data can significantly improve outcomes in real estate allocations through identifying locations of accelerating growth both across global markets and within individual markets. To further leverage alternative data, machine learning (ML) techniques can be implemented to process information at near-live time scale or at regular time intervals, e,g, annually, to both identify and monitor emerging and expanding market hotspots.

Below is a selection of global cities illustrating areas within each market that have experienced strongest growth over the past 5 years. Growth here is measured as change is building footprint, all constructed buildings, over the period.

Frankfurt area summary, difference in building footprint between now and 5 years ago

red indicates stronger growth zones, polygons are then converted into area heatmaps as per recording below.

If you would like access to data covering

  • top 80 US

  • top 35 European

  • top 10 Asia Pacific

markets that you are investing in or contemplating for your capital allocation or any market or location, please contact


Limited sample markets available here


Diverging logistics activity accelerates across European markets


Processing geolocation data using ML