Logistics geolocation analytics


Geolocation analytics can help investors to better understand their asset exposures, improve decision making and ultimately optimize their logistics real estate allocations.

Kania Advisors logistics analytics provides access to information for over 1,000 freight handling locations across Europe and North America along with analysis of specific asset location’s access to main transport distribution routes. It also provides benchmarking of logistics asset portfolios compared to general institutional quality logistics assets.

Please contact info@kaniaadvisors.com to request information or access.

Analyse asset portfolios, identify outlier assets, mitigate potential tail-risks across exposures and focus investment activity on growth areas.

Over 1,000 freight handling locations across Europe and North America

Click on any location to get information about freight handling volumes including historical patterns, short-term, cyclical and structural growth profiles and location dynamics.

Search any location for up-to-date details and freight volume growth patterns.

Geolocation information specific to your assets

Get detailed asset geolocation information such as

  • access to main transportation highways

  • details of main freight handling locations within a radius of the asset

  • short-term, cyclical and structural changes in freight handling volumes based on all locations within the assets’ radius and their respective distance

  • portfolio level summaries and competitive profile compared to institutional quality logistics assets

As an example the asset shown below has four main freight handling locations within its radius, the closest located 21.38 km away. The location’s freight volumes are decelerating, being down -5.8% yoy however remain structurally positive with most recent annual volumes up +7.47% compared to its longer-term average.

And the asset location’s proximity and access to main transportation networks. including access density score.

About Kania Advisors

Kania Advisors is an independent research and advisory firm focused exclusively on institutional real assets allocations and investment programmes. We provide advice and solutions to improve outcomes in real assets investment programmes. We conduct detailed industry research and custom studies typically focused on quantitative analysis and provide insights which form a critical part of a client's decision process.


Share of declining logistics locations in Europe has doubled compared to 5 years ago


Consistency, consistency, consistency in REITs alpha generation